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Car accidents can have a serious impact on your body, even if you don’t feel the pain immediately. In some cases, these injuries are referred to as “silent” because they aren’t obvious right away. These issues could potentially become worse over time if not addressed in a timely manner. A chiropractor is trained to help individuals who have been injured in an accident improve their overall health. They use spinal manipulation and other techniques to restore function and ease pain. If you have recently been involved in a car accident and experience discomfort because of your injuries, receiving care from a chiropractor could be beneficial to you. Here are five benefits you could potentially receive by visiting a Back to Life Chiropractic Clinic in Portland after a car accident.
Inflammation is a natural response of the body to injury, but it can sometimes cause pain and discomfort.
Post-accident chiropractic treatments help reduce inflammation after an injury. Your chiropractor will realign your spine to relieve pressure on the joints, muscles and ligaments. This may reduce pain and swelling in addition to improving mobility in your neck, back and surrounding tissues.
When your spine is misaligned, the surrounding muscles and ligaments tighten up in response. These muscle spasms cause constant strain on your spine, which can lead to inflammation. A chiropractor can use their hands to manipulate the vertebrae in your spine, realigning them so that they are no longer pressing against the surrounding tissues. This helps to decrease inflammation and reduce both pain and stiffness.
After a car accident, the body’s natural ability to manage pain can be compromised. With chiropractic treatment, you can help the body release pain-relieving hormones and minimize discomfort. Studies show that spinal manipulations increase levels of oxytocin and cortisol in the blood stream
Chiropractic adjustments can be helpful for reducing back pain and other symptoms associated with injury after an accident. During spinal manipulations conducted by our chiropractor, your body naturally releases pain-relieving hormones. A study conducted by The University of Spain showed that levels of oxytocin, neurotensin and cortisol in the blood stream increased in test subjects after spinal manipulation. Minimize pain levels with the help of a chiropractor!
At Back To Life Chiropractic Clinic we take a holistic approach to chiropractic care. While most people are only focused on minimizing pain, we also believe that it’s important to look at the cause of the pain and address it from all angles. By working with our patients and guiding them through the healing process, we can help minimize pain after an accident.
Restore range of motion after a car accident with a chiropractic adjustment. Your joints can be misaligned in your spine, causing scar tissue and inflammation to develop.
Injuries after car accident to the neck and back can affect the joints and tissues in the spine. A chiropractor can restore range of motion by mobilizing your spine and returning the joints to proper alignment.
Restoring range of motion after a car accident can be tricky. Our chiropractors at Back To Life Chiropractic Clinic recommend getting an adjustment combined with physical therapy will reduce scar tissue and inflammation. You may feel better almost immediately.
Scar Tissue is an often overlooked cause of chronic pain. It is normal for scar tissue to develop after a car accident injury. Unfortunately, scar tissue can cause long-term pain and stiffness. After a car accident injury, your muscles and tendons can be damaged. In some cases, the body will form scar tissue that leads to long-term pain and stiffness. However, if it is causing you discomfort, a chiropractor can use specific techniques to break the scar tissue up so the area can heal faster.
In most cases, scar tissue will eventually heal on its own and function like normal tissue. At Back To Life Chiropractic Clinic we use specific techniques to break up scar tissue so the area can heal faster.
If you’ve been in a car accident, you may feel like your whole world has been turned upside down. It is important to seek treatment as soon as possible. A car accident can result in damage to your spine, which may require surgery if left untreated.
Fortunately, chiropractic care can help get your body moving again. Most people want to avoid surgery after a car accident if possible. However, if you wait too long to treat your injuries, surgery could end up being your only option. Chiropractic treatments are non-invasive and align the spine without surgical intervention. If you visit a chiropractor for treatment soon after your injury, you may reduce your chances of requiring surgery in the future.
Visit our office soon after your injury to reduce your chances of requiring surgery in the future.
If you have been in a car accident, the chiropractor is skilled in spinal manipulation techniques and other services that help the body’s natural healing process. Results can include improved mobility, reduced pain and inflammation, restoration of range of motion and scar tissue reduction.
Spinal manipulation, an important part of the chiropractic treatment method, is a non-invasive procedure that allows doctors of chiropractic to realign vertebrae in the spine and restore joint mobility. Chiropractic care also includes other services, such as massage and exercise rehabilitation.
Your spine is an important part of your body and its proper alignment plays a key role in keeping you healthy. Chiropractic care may be the best way for you to get back on track after a car accident. Receiving chiropractic treatment from a Portland chiropractor such as Back to Life Chiropractic Clinic can help bring your spine back into proper alignment after whiplash or other accident-related injuries, as well as relieve pain associated with nerve issues throughout your body. Visit Back to Life Chiropractic Clinic in Portland Today.
Our goal is to restore your health, enhance your life, and help you reach your wellness goals. Contact us today to schedule your appointment!
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